1185 NSE Top gainers last 5 Months list. Full list of MONTHLY GAINERS (last 5 Months) NSE

Last 5 Months gainers of NSE . Top MONTHLY GAINERS of NSE Full list of MONTHLY GAINERS of NSE

Below is full list of NSE top GAINERS stocks of last 5 Months till date from a closing of 5 Months before

1186 top GAINERS stocks NSE (5 Months) Top gainers in last 5 Months list

Gainers as on Mon 04 November 2024, Kitex Garments at 254.31%, Websol Energy at 239.12%, Iifl Securities at 228.7%, were amongst the top GAINERS in last 5 Months in NSE

50 Top gainers stocks NSE

Company Change Percent Current Price Last 5 Months Price
KITEX Kitex Garments Limited 254.31% change 643.95 181.75
WEBELSOLAR Websol Energy System Limited 239.12% change 1567.40 462.20
IIFLSEC Iifl Securities Limited 228.7% change 393.95 119.85
WINDMACHIN Windsor Machines Limited 204.58% change 204.07 67.00
MANORAMA Manorama Industries Ltd 173.63% change 982.20 358.95
DEEPAKFERT Deepak Fertilizers And Petrochemicals Corporation Limited 162.5% change 1277.60 486.70
SURAJEST Suraj Estate Developers L 160.86% change 692.45 265.45
INDRAMEDCO Indraprastha Medical Corporation Limited 156.95% change 419.35 163.20
BASF BASF India Limited 155.12% change 8288.40 3248.80
GKWLIMITED GKW Limited 154.2% change 3442.15 1354.10
MARINE Marine Electrical (i) Ltd 153.15% change 217.58 85.95
TBZ Tribhovandas Bhimji Zaveri Limited 149.93% change 263.30 105.35
GOKULAGRO Gokul Agro Resources Ltd 147.41% change 272.65 110.20
PRUDENT Prudent Corp Adv Ser Ltd 144.36% change 2955.50 1209.50
POKARNA Pokarna 143.78% change 1054.95 432.75
PLATIND Platinum Industries Ltd 140.19% change 420.70 175.15
SHARDACROP Sharda Cropchem Limited 137.19% change 762.45 321.45
MICEL Mic Electronics Ltd 134.95% change 91.28 38.85
WEL Wonder Electricals Ltd 134.82% change 1540.80 656.15
ANANTRAJ Anant Raj Limited 133.67% change 727.05 311.15
KIRLPNU Kirloskar Pneumatic Com L 133.21% change 1608.65 689.80
NEULANDLAB Neuland Laboratories Limited 131.59% change 14728.80 6359.95
RAMRAT Ram Ratna Wires Limited 129.73% change 593.15 258.20
WABAG VA Tech Wabag Limited 128.01% change 1728.10 757.90
ELGIRUBCO Elgi Rubber Company Limited 127.64% change 110.52 48.55
GANECOS Ganesha Ecosphere Limited 126.33% change 2201.15 972.55
PPLPHARMA Piramal Pharma Limited 125.42% change 275.80 122.35
SUMMITSEC Summit Securities Limited 123.65% change 2682.80 1199.55
GRWRHITECH Garware Hi-tech Films Ltd 122.37% change 3991.50 1795.00
GODFRYPHLP Godfrey Phillips India Limited 122% change 6839.25 3080.70
BBOX Black Box Limited 119.04% change 502.70 229.50
JUBLPHARMA Jubilant Pharmova Ltd 118.91% change 1252.50 572.15
EXCELINDUS Excel Industries Limited 115.11% change 1554.70 722.75
GRAVITA Gravita India Limited 114.12% change 2125.25 992.55
DPABHUSHAN D. P. Abhushan Limited 114.07% change 1777.45 830.30
DYCL Dynamic Cables Limited 113.59% change 796.15 372.75
ARROWGREEN Arrow Greentech 113.57% change 823.40 385.55
LTFOODS Lt Foods Limited 113.23% change 399.60 187.40
TECHNOE Techno Elec & Eng Co. Ltd 113.11% change 1571.90 737.60
MAZDOCK Mazagon Dock Shipbuil Ltd 112.87% change 4027.00 1891.75
MAXESTATES Max Estates Limited 111.74% change 579.00 273.45
TAINWALCHM Tainwala Chemical And Plastic (I) Limited 111.18% change 265.35 125.65
SARDAEN Sarda Energy & Minerals Limited 109.03% change 432.70 207.00
OAL Oriental Aromatics Ltd 108.52% change 631.70 302.95
SOLARA Solara Active Pha Sci Ltd 107.89% change 797.05 383.40
SELAN Selan Exploration Technology Limited 107.6% change 946.35 455.85
SUVENPHAR Suven Pharmaceuticals Ltd 106.36% change 1320.60 639.95
MANAKCOAT Manaksia Coated Metals & Industries Limited 105.02% change 59.66 29.10
DOLATALGO Dolat Algotech Limited 103.7% change 136.99 67.25
ARIHANTCAP Arihant Capital Mkts Ltd 102.53% change 108.05 53.35
GOLDIAM Goldiam International Limited 102.36% change 343.70 169.85

249 top GAINERS stocks with 50% change in NSE top GAINERS (last 5 Months MONTHLY) list

249 top GAINERS stocks with 50%  change in NSE top GAINERS (last 5 Months MONTHLY) list

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1185 NSE Top gainers last 5 Months list. Full list of MONTHLY GAINERS (last 5 Months) NSE


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